I must admit I am really clueless to what is considered good practice in
I started coding on abc-80 but I only really know bulletin board style
interaction(same as git, right?) or personal email.
Not everybody was there at the start.
I am lost in mailing-lists but feel like I have something to enrich
devuan namespace anyway.
As a user with roots in Window$ I feel an emotional distrust of local
running email clients.
Using webmail with little thread or mailing-list support right now.
I am not rude on purpose but I truly don't know mailing-list style of
Should I delete this or keep this? Write here or write there?
It's like it's only for those initiated in the secret art?
Better to just top-post then, ehhh???????
Better to keep my input to minimum as to not enrage the old authorative
giants, huh!?
Is there no compiler for mailing-list emails?
maybe there should be?
best regards
On 2015-12-12 20:46, Rainer Weikusat wrote:
Jaromil <jaro...@dyne.org> writes:
On Fri, 11 Dec 2015, Gregory Nowak wrote:
I have to throw in my $0.01 here. First, like Edward, I too prefer
posting. I have noticed also that top posting seems to be an
overwhelming convention on blindness-related lists. I have seen
instances of bottom posters getting flamed on a blindness-related
for doing so.
this sounds strange. since its very inception we have struggled to
Dyne.org infrastructure and practices as friendly as possible for
with low or even no vision, since some of our funding members had such
conditions. In my experience bottom posting is fine, as screen readers
should be recognizing and signaling the quote prefix '>' and offer to
skip over it.
'Top posting' vs 'bottom posting' is a false dichotomy (could also be
regarded as strawman): It's really "unredacted full-quote with some
attached", possibly even "unredacted full-quote of something completely
unrelated" vs "reply to the text you're replying to and keep enough of
the context that readers can understand what you are writing
about". There are also people who put their own text below an
full-quote but that's not really different from putting it at the top:
Both are examples of an "can't be bothered to express myself clearly"
mentality (Reader can figure that out! If not, screw him!).
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