On Sat, Dec 12, 2015 at 10:40:08AM +0100, Rainer H. Rauschenberg wrote:
> On Fri, 11 Dec 2015, Rainer Weikusat wrote:
> > This suggests that another 'default behaviour' is "client can't do 
> > threading based on References" 
> I think this is (together with non-text-only-mails) the main reason also 
> for sensible people to top-post and fully quote in typical 
> Outlook-/Exchange-environments.
> But for me it seems really weird to have this kind of problems/discussion 
> also in this environment (where are those "Veteran Unix Admins" and do 
> they really use Outlook/Exchange these days?).

Maybe the VUA's aren't the ones doing the top-posting, and maybe they 
are tired of the issue, which comes up over and over again on the web 
wihout much effect.

Short of moderating the list and rejecting every message that top-posts, 
I see no hope of stamping it out.  But the moderation overhead would 
take valuale manpower, and would likely slow down important discussions.

I rarely top-post, even when replying to deeply-nested top-posted 
messages.  When I do it's usually because I have something to say about 
the message as a whole, rather than about its contents.

-- hendrik

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