Hi Simon,

Am 02.10.2015 um 12:12 schrieb Simon Hobson:
> [...] I could see something like 40 SSIDs - and of course, a handful
> of them were on "wrong" channels so as to maximise interference to
> other networks (eg on Ch3 so it overlaps Ch1 and Ch6).

Of course, there is a point where it cannot be expected from a client
application to offer reliable connectivity, if the environment is
severely non-conformant. All it then could provide was a "best-effort"
service, and not crash / impose security risks.

So whatever system is built, it needs to allow for those unfortunate
> people with massive SSID lists to deal with.

I agree.

Just to differentiate: My remarks were addressing the toplevel
netman frontend application window. The optimization you talk
about must be considered inside the view that lists scan results.

Here's an anecdote that motivated me to ask for a fast & solid
manual scan procedure:

When riding a German ICE through the Netherlands, the German ICE
offers a 5euro/day "Hotspot-Ticket", that is almost impossible to
acquire, at least on short notice. The dutch InterCity trains OTOH
all have free WiFi. So every time we stopped at a dutch railroad
station, i would quickly connect to the WiFi of an InterCity halted at
the opposite platform to check my mail. Requires good timing. ;)

Kind regards, T.

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