It looks nice. Upload it, and I'll try it.

BTW, if I start netman in chroot, it does open, and the icon appears in
the system tray of the host system. I just didn't think to look there when
I tried it before. The gui comes up if I tell it to, and connection
information window works. It won't disconnect my static connection, but if
I disconnect manually, then netman will connect and disconnect correctly.


On 10/01/2015 01:16 PM, Edward Bartolo wrote:
> Hi fsmithred,
> Please, take a look at this screenshot of the GUI modifications to
> support network interfaces other than wlan0 and eth0.
> Edward
> On 01/10/2015, Edward Bartolo <> wrote:
>> or better wlan and eth are enough instead of long words.
>> On 01/10/2015, Edward Bartolo <> wrote:
>>> This is a screenshot of the changes in the main window GUI to allow
>>> for network interfaces other than wlan0 and eth0. The displayed
>>> strings wlan0 and eth0 will be changed into wireless and ethernet
>>> respectively.
>>> Edward
>>> On 01/10/2015, Edward Bartolo <> wrote:
>>>> Hi Tilman,
>>>> The backend will connect as I described.
>>>> Yes, it will be an operation of the backend, but not new: connect and
>>>> disconnect will work the 'new' way.
>>>> This operation will be triggered by passing the network device name
>>>> string to backend in addition to the usual parameters.  To avoid
>>>> malicious users from passing crafted strings to popen or execl, the
>>>> same encoding algorithm that is used for essid encoding will be used.
>>>> Edward
>>>> On 01/10/2015, tilt! <> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Edward,
>>>>> i assume you want the backend to do this?
>>>>> Will this be a new operation of the backend?
>>>>> If yes, what will trigger this operation?
>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>> Tilman
>>>>> Am 01.10.2015 um 08:41 schrieb Edward Bartolo:
>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>> This is the bewitched command that I need to do the above in a split
>>>>>> second with the least of coding:
>>>>>> sed 's/wlan0/new_device/g' /etc/network/wifi/interfaces_file >
>>>>>> /run/netman/tmp_int_file
>>>>>> new_device is the replacement network device and tmp_int_file is the
>>>>>> new interfaces file that uses new_device
>>>>>> To connect the backend would then use:
>>>>>> ifup -i /run/netman/tmp_int_file new_device
>>>>>> Edward
>>>>>> On 01/10/2015, Edward Bartolo <> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>>> I devised a simple algorithm that can survive any new device naming
>>>>>>> scheme: systemd & co can think of any naming convention they dream
>>>>>>> of,
>>>>>>> the new algorithm will survive that. It also allows me to use the
>>>>>>> same
>>>>>>> configuration files as they are without modification. wlan0 and eth0
>>>>>>> will be simply placeholders for network device names. This means,
>>>>>>> coding can be greatly simplified.
>>>>>>> The algorithm:
>>>>>>> i) copy the essid/eth0 interfaces file to a temporary file system
>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>> /run/netman. During the copy procedure, replace wlan0/eth0 with the
>>>>>>> respective network device name.
>>>>>>> ii) run the connect/disconnect function using the newly created file
>>>>>>> in the temporary file system and using the new network device name
>>>>>>> iii) delete the newly created file in the temporary file system
>>>>>>> Simply, easy and extremely flexible.
>>>>>>> Tilt and fsmithred, you will soon be able to connect to whatever
>>>>>>> device you like.
>>>>>>> Edward
>>>>>>> On 01/10/2015, Hendrik Boom <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 09:09:52PM +0200, Edward Bartolo wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>>>>> My next coding task is to implement support for other network
>>>>>>>>> devices
>>>>>>>>> besides eth0 and wlan0.
>>>>>>>>> Since supporting other network devices essentially is including the
>>>>>>>>> new device names in the essid interfaces file, I am thinking of
>>>>>>>>> whether it is possible to hook the system file reader function to
>>>>>>>>> replace part of the read file so that I wouldn't need to change
>>>>>>>>> anything in the files themselves. The reason is it shouldn't matter
>>>>>>>>> which wifi or wired connection one uses to connect a network.
>>>>>>>> They may operate at different speeds.
>>>>>>>> They may connect to different networks.
>>>>>>>> -- hendrik
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