Dear All,

My question is still open as I have no idea which project I can join
to help. I was told it is easy to continue contributing to the Devuan
Project, but this is proving to be next to impossible. This is NOT a
rhetorical question; yes, I know the obvious answer that I can help in
other projects, but which projects? I expected someone to provide some
information, after all, feedback between coders is among the many
purposes of the mailing list.

Snappy answers indicating an irritated sender, do not help: first calm
down, then think, and when you have the right frame of mind, reply in
a polite and educated manner.


On 22/09/2015, aitor_czr <> wrote:
> Beautifull idea !!
> I will add to debian/control:
> Homepage:
> XS-Vcs-Git:
> XS-Vcs-Browser:
> Aitor.
> On 22/09/15 17:37, Edward Bartolo wrote:
>> Hi Aitor,
>> If you can still rename the netman package I would like to have it
>> renamed "netman-devuan-nm".
>> It is important for any users to know from where netman was conceived,
>> and this is, the Devuan Project.
>> Edward
>> On 07/04/2021, aitor_czr<>  wrote:
>>> >Good idea:-)
>>> >
>>> >On 22/09/15 11:20, tilt! wrote:
>>>> >>On 04/07/2021 10:54 PM, aitor_czr wrote:
>>>>> >>>gpg-netman (git-buildpackage)
>>>> >>
>>>> >>People will think it's related to "gpg", which it isn't.
>>>> >>
>>>> >>I would like to suggest the name "netman-package" for that project.
>>>> >>
>>>> >>Greetings,
>>>> >>T.
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