Hi Aitor,

I pushed the necessary changes in netman. The changes are only in
backend.pas to account for the new placement of backend.

Please, note that the two executables will be placed according to
Tilt's suggestion so that we comply with where executables should be



On 14/09/2015, Edward Bartolo <edb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Aitor,
> Tilt wrote:
> <<Please allow me to instead recommend exectuable files named
> "/usr/bin/netman" for the frontend and
> "/usr/lib/netman/bin/backend" for the backend.
> This means, I will have to modify the frontend to run the backend from
> the above directory. I will try the recommendation and push my changes
> when I am ready. Tilt argued placing both the backend and frontend in
> /usr/bin/netman may have side-effects on other executables. So, we
> have to avoid it.
> Thanks.
> On 14/09/2015, Edward Bartolo <edb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Aitor,
>> I tried "lazbuild -B netman.lpr" in the netman directory and it
>> worked. There were some complaints but the executable was produced.
>> By the way, thanks for teaching me something new about Lazarus.
>> Edward.
>> On 14/09/2015, aitor_czr <aitor_...@gnuinos.org> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm adding:
>>> lazbuild -B netman.lpr
>>> to the debian/rules. Is it enough to build the frontend? I've never used
>>> Lazarus.
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> Aitor.
>>> On 14/09/15 10:52, Edward Bartolo wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> My experience using gcc directly corroborates what KatolaZ said. This
>>>> command works on my computer without the need to edit the .c files as
>>>> you suggested.
>>>> The gcc command:
>>>> gcc -lm -I../include core_functions.c file_functions.c backend.c
>>>> essid_encoder.c automated_scanner.c -o backend
>>>> Edward
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