The content of the resulting /lib/netman.compiled with Lazarus is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Compiler Value="/usr/bin/fpc" Date="1413311941"/>
<Params Value=" -MObjFPC -Scghi -O3 -Tlinux -vewnhi
-Fi/home/aitor/net2/netman/lib/i386-linux -Fl/opt/gnome/lib
-Fu/home/aitor/net2/netman/ -FU/home/aitor/net2/netman/lib/i386-linux/
-l -dLCL -dLCLgtk2 netman.lpr"/>
It will track us for the needed parameters :-)
On 14/09/15 11:57, Edward Bartolo wrote:
Hi Aitor,
I tried "lazbuild -B netman.lpr" in the netman directory and it
worked. There were some complaints but the executable was produced.
By the way, thanks for teaching me something new about Lazarus.
On 14/09/2015, aitor_czr<> wrote:
>I'm adding:
>lazbuild -B netman.lpr
>to the debian/rules. Is it enough to build the frontend? I've never used
>Thanks in advance,
>On 14/09/15 10:52, Edward Bartolo wrote:
>>My experience using gcc directly corroborates what KatolaZ said. This
>>command works on my computer without the need to edit the .c files as
>>you suggested.
>>The gcc command:
>>gcc -lm -I../include core_functions.c file_functions.c backend.c
>>essid_encoder.c automated_scanner.c -o backend
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