On Mon, 31 Aug 2015, KatolaZ wrote:
> Go conquer the world with your little software-engineering
> masterpiece, but please leave us poor cavemen in peace.

You are very kind to call them "systemd-lovers" and call us cavemen. You
are conceding a lot to people who are too full of themselves to even
recognize the courtesy. This is definitely not a cavemen place and to be
against the systemd avalanche does not means to be against progress or
advancement.  But thanks for your attitude, it helps avoiding the sparks
being sown here to become flames.

Another thing I wonder while reading this interaction is how old are
systemd hooligans, when Tobias talks about "long run" and what goes bad
with it.  I have seen most experienced and elderly people so far being
completely opposed to systemd. How far one can go claiming to have
long-term vision in this situation?  You are right, this is surreal,
perhaps even worst: its a lie.

While we go on with Devuan I'm happy not only because we are brilliantly
achieving our goals, but also because I have an opportunity to listen to
people who are *really* experienced and whose voice has been overcome
for too long by arrogance and manipulation. Let them not be fatigued
again to reply to this arrogance and lies, their time is more precious
than that.


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