I would help you mate but my install is a package
to be overlaid using aufs.

I have never used debian so would be a poor choice
in making a package for it.

I don't know how to turn off udev in debian.
I know Jude did some magic with that.

If you try to go at it manually I am willing
to offer help.


On 20lite 15-08-13 04:30, Robert Storey wrote:
About vdev...

It looks like it's almost ready for prime time, but that further
testing is needed to work out any bugs. So I'd like to throw out a
little suggestion to expedite that.

Could someone come up with a package so that we can install vdev on
Debian? In my case, I'm currently using antiX as my stable operating
system. I would be willing to install vdev on it and put it through
its paces, reporting back any suspected bugs I encounter.

Barring a specific package, then maybe some published instructions and
a download for installing it on Debian.

It sounds to me like vdev could be a game changer, so I'm enthused
about installing it and doing what I can to make it a new standard.

As I've mentioned before, I do occasionally write for DistroWatch, so
if I can get a positive experience with vdev, I'd do an article on
that. Hopefully, this would encourage others to download and install
vdev, helping to move along its widespread adoption.

Kudos to all the Devuan developers.

 - Robert

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