On Sat, 8 Aug 2015 11:03:34 +0200
Jaromil <jaro...@dyne.org> wrote:

> > Jaromil wrote:
> > >Its early to say, but this thread is just prospecting. I believe that
> > >on a longer term we can hardly do worse tha Debian when untangling
> > >dependencies that right now constantly drag in desktop oriented
> > >stuff, like avahi and other similar nonsense that we almost got used
> > >to swallow all these years.
> > >
> > >on the mid - long term it won't be just systemd to make the
> > >difference between Devuan and Debian.
> On Sat, 08 Aug 2015, Miles Fidelman wrote:
> > But now we get into the question of can Devuan really attract a full
> > set of package maintainers?
> it depends what you mean by "full". To us it certainly doesn't means the
> size of Debian, but a core system which can be reliably used as a base
> by both upstream and downstream: developers, devops, sysadmins and
> distributions who compile the key production packages from source and/or
> package themselves, as yourself pointed out in this thread.
> what I call the hardest part we have already demonstrated we're able to
> do: putting together a continuous integration infrastructure for the
> core system, using software we wrote, hence we can scale organically and
> we can further develop ad-hoc to overcome initial difficulties (see for
> instance the caching approach taken with Amprolla, or our fixes to
> jenkins-debian-glue, or the upcoming fixes to qemu-arm builds).
> IF what we do turns out to be useful for all those professionals
> preferring GNU/Linux to *BSD (and realistically, the latter is today the
> best pro- alternative to the amateurial mess Linux is becoming) then
> there won't be need for an horde of mediocre package maintainers, but a
> pack of few good ones.
> There is much more to be said, for instance the emergence of new
> packaging systems which will be surclassing old ones in 2-3 years
> maximum, for instance see Guix and NixOS with the smart adoption of a
> declarative language for the task.
> I'll also refrain to observe the sort of labour relationship Debian is
> instaurating with its volunteers, the majority being students and people
> who abandon once they got a job. I'll just say we are aiming at a
> different approach here and it shall be focused on quality, not
> quantity.
> ciao


> -- 
> Denis "Jaromil" Roio, Dyne.org Think (& Do) Tank
> We are free to share code and we code to share freedom
> Web: https://j.dyne.org Contact: https://j.dyne.org/c.vcf
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