In fact: it's interesting that the love/hate percentages are almost the
same, but the very important thing for us are the two values "I use
systemd and I dislike it" and "Other".
Here it is where we can work to increase the number of (future) devaun
We need solid (understandable) motivations to persuade his people to use
Devuan, and IMHO there is enough room to have a discrete success.
On 16/07/15 08:08, Dr. Nikolaus Klepp wrote:
Am Mittwoch, 15. Juli 2015 schrieb James Powell:
Look at the number who use it and dislike it...
Sent from my Windows Phone
From: Alberto Zuin - liste<>
Sent: 7/15/2015 2:14 PM
Subject: Re: [DNG] I am not using systemd and plan to avoid it
Very interesiting data at this moment.
I use systemd and like it: 607 (37%)
I use systemd and dislike it: 208 (13%)
I am not using systemd and plan to use it: 82 (5%)
I am not using systemd and plan to avoid it: 560 (34%)
Other: 200 (12%)
So, now is 37% vs 34% (better than what I expected), but looking "at the
future" there is a 37+5=42% of users that will have systemd vs
34+(potentially) 12=46% of non systemd users.
Also a 12% of others that can potentially dislike systemd.
Of course, less than 2K votes are not enough to have consistent results,
anyway I'm really impressed.
On 15/07/15 19:51, Anto wrote:
I just cast my vote on
Dng mailing list
Don't trust any statistics that you did not forge yourself. So my
interpretation (with newest numbers):
I use systemd and like it: 635 (35%)
I use systemd and dislike it: 223 (12%)
I am not using systemd and plan to use it: 88 (5%)
I am not using systemd and plan to avoid it: 638 (36%)
That is:
35%+5% = 40% like systemd
12%+36% = 60% do not like systemd
Dng mailing list