Am Mittwoch, 15. Juli 2015 schrieb James Powell: > Look at the number who use it and dislike it... > > Sent from my Windows Phone > ________________________________ > From: Alberto Zuin - liste<> > Sent: 7/15/2015 2:14 PM > To:<> > Subject: Re: [DNG] I am not using systemd and plan to avoid it > > Very interesiting data at this moment. > > I use systemd and like it: 607 (37%) > I use systemd and dislike it: 208 (13%) > I am not using systemd and plan to use it: 82 (5%) > I am not using systemd and plan to avoid it: 560 (34%) > Other: 200 (12%) > > > So, now is 37% vs 34% (better than what I expected), but looking "at the > future" there is a 37+5=42% of users that will have systemd vs > 34+(potentially) 12=46% of non systemd users. > Also a 12% of others that can potentially dislike systemd. > Of course, less than 2K votes are not enough to have consistent results, > anyway I'm really impressed. > Alberto > > On 15/07/15 19:51, Anto wrote: > > I just cast my vote on > > > > _______________________________________________ > > Dng mailing list > > > > > >
Don't trust any statistics that you did not forge yourself. So my interpretation (with newest numbers): I use systemd and like it: 635 (35%) I use systemd and dislike it: 223 (12%) I am not using systemd and plan to use it: 88 (5%) I am not using systemd and plan to avoid it: 638 (36%) That is: 35%+5% = 40% like systemd 12%+36% = 60% do not like systemd Nik -- Please do not email me anything that you are not comfortable also sharing with the NSA. _______________________________________________ Dng mailing list