Am 28.12.2014 22:57 schrieb Klaus Hartnegg:
OTOH desktop users that will be attracted to Devuan will also be in
majority the same who also already renounced Gnome and Kde.

Very likely yes. But still the largest number of all is probably
server admins. Linux is mostly a server OS anyway, and desktop users
probably care less about the init system than server admins do.

I'm mostly a CLI & desktop user and administrator of a few machines. I do care a lot about the init system. According to what I could read on forums at, there are many desktop users who do, especially when one particular init system is trying to screw the whole distributions ecosystem. I was a loyal Debian (stable) user for several years before switching to Slackware two years ago, and I still can't believe to what they did to such a venerable and rocky project. Again, not only server admins do care about their init system.

Does anybody have an idea how many server admins, and how many
desktop users are interested in Devuan?

What about doing a poll, say, at I guess there are many Debian users and admins who are not happy at all with the new state of affairs. I guess they might welcome a Debian fork, i.e. a step backward to sanity.

That said, my hat's off to you, Devuan guys (and gals, if any).

Best wishes,
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