Ok, just for Information, i found the answer myself. In the django
docs it is said:
"Some of the admin templates, such as change_list_request.html are
used to render custom inclusion tags. These may be overridden, but in
such cases you are probably better off creating your own version of
the tag in question and giving it a different name. That way you can
use it selectively."

So, i'm gonna do it myself.


On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 7:24 PM, Sven Richter <sver...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> i am about to extend the admin interface and came to the following problem.
> I want to add some information to the overview of an application
> model. Now, i look in the change_list.html and see that the {%
> result_list cl %}   template tag is the one i need to adapt.
> Now, when i look in the templatetags.py i see the link to
> register.inclusion_tag("admin/change_list_results.html") and finally
> found the template i need to adapt.
> But the problem is, the path is hardcoded. So i have to put
> change_list_results.html in "templates/admin" path to get it used
> instead of "templates/app/model/" path.
> That of course is not very useful, cause the template will be used for
> every app instead for the one i want to adapt.
> How do i get around that? Is there a standard way for doing these things?
> Greetings
> Sven

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