On Mar 26, 1:39 pm, Carl Zmola <czm...@woti.com> wrote:
> On 03/25/2010 02:37 PM, Jim N wrote:
> > Very interesting, Tom.
> > I have inserted this code, substituting my profile model name
> > (QotdUser) for UserProfile.  It does create a row in QotdUser, but the
> > row is empty of course.
> > More importantly, if I create a user via the admin interface (http://
> > there's no apparent way to edit
> > any of the fields of my profile model.
> > Or if I create the user some other way, would I be able to pass
> > arguments to the User model to populate the profile?
> > Finally, how do I access the profile, is it like
> >    my_user_profile = User.objects.get(username="jim").get_profile() ?
> > Thanks for the help.
> I have done this, and I think the following link will 
> helphttp://pyxx.org/2008/08/18/how-to-extend-user-model-in-django-and-ena...
> You need to unregister the current model admin for the user model and
> create a new one (based on the old one) that includes your user profile
> "inline".
> When you understand that last sentence, you will understand what is
> going on.
> Good luck.
> --
> Carl Zmola
> czm...@woti.com

Hi Carl,

I've done just what you spelled out, I think, but I don't see any
change in the Home › Auth › Users admin panel.  When editing the
individual users, I can edith the fields that are part of the built-in
User model, but not of the profile model.

Here is the code: http://dpaste.de/OHwA/

Here is the relevant part:


class UserProfileInline(admin.TabularInline):
    model = QotdUser
    fk_name = 'user'
    max_num = 1
    list_display  = ('identifier', 'service', 'location',
    list_filter   = ('featured_status', 'service',)
    search_fields = ('identifier',)
    exclude = ('alternate_id', 'questions_proposed_cnt',
'questions_published_cnt', 'answers_cnt')

class MyUserAdmin(UserAdmin):
    inlines = [UserProfileInline, ]


admin.site.register(User, MyUserAdmin)


Am I missing a class there?


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