On Mar 11, 1:03 pm, Tom Evans <tevans...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 4:54 PM, russianbandit <russianban...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> > I'm using UserProfile to add one field to my users. However, I know
> > that I must explicitly create UserProfile for each new user that
> > registers. So, I make a UserProfile upon registration. Is UserProfile
> > still the best way to extend the user model?
> > What about the admin user, or users that the admin creates? Since they
> > don't go through the registration process, how do I ensure that their
> > UserProfile gets created?
> Add this to your models.py
> from django.db.models.signals import post_save
> from django.contrib.auth.models import User
> def _hook_save_user(instance, sender, **kwargs):
>   try:
>     instance.get_profile()
>   except UserProfile.DoesNotExist:
>     UserProfile.objects.get_or_create(user=instance)
> post_save.connect(_hook_save_user, sender=User)
On Mar 11, 1:03 pm, Tom Evans <tevans...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 4:54 PM, russianbandit <russianban...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> > I'm using UserProfile to add one field to my users. However, I know
> > that I must explicitly create UserProfile for each new user that
> > registers. So, I make a UserProfile upon registration. Is UserProfile
> > still the best way to extend the user model?
> > What about the admin user, or users that the admin creates? Since they
> > don't go through the registration process, how do I ensure that their
> > UserProfile gets created?
> Add this to your models.py
> from django.db.models.signals import post_save
> from django.contrib.auth.models import User
> def _hook_save_user(instance, sender, **kwargs):
>   try:
>     instance.get_profile()
>   except UserProfile.DoesNotExist:
>     UserProfile.objects.get_or_create(user=instance)
> post_save.connect(_hook_save_user, sender=User)

Very interesting, Tom.

I have inserted this code, substituting my profile model name
(QotdUser) for UserProfile.  It does create a row in QotdUser, but the
row is empty of course.

More importantly, if I create a user via the admin interface (http:// there's no apparent way to edit
any of the fields of my profile model.

Or if I create the user some other way, would I be able to pass
arguments to the User model to populate the profile?

Finally, how do I access the profile, is it like

  my_user_profile = User.objects.get(username="jim").get_profile() ?

Thanks for the help.


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