> Assuming that 'groupA' is a model field, there's no such property as
> 'selections.groupA', because as you've stated, selections is a
> queryset - ie a collection of model instances, not a single one.
> However in general you'd be better off using Django's forms framework,
> which outputs fields for you with all the correct attributes selected.
> --
> DR.

selections is a single record, obtained this way...

selections =

I have no trouble accessing/printing the value of selections.groupA
(or selections.groupB, etc.) unless I'm inside the "for" loop that
displays the Workshops (I'd like to highlight the workshops that the
user has selected).

selections.groupA is the id for the Workshop they've selected.

The basic Django form didn't give me the interaction I was looking
for.  I want people to use radio buttons to select one Workshop from
among a group of five.  (That gets submitted as their Group A

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