Hi All,

Pardon a newbie.
I'm building a form that will display workshop selections a person has
made.  They'll be able to update their selections using this form.

Selections are represented by radio buttons; I'm trying to make a
radio button the "checked" option as I run through a loop, and nothing
I try seems to work.  I'm using {% ifequal %} primarily:

{% for object in workshops %}
   <input type="radio" ... value="{{ object.id }}" ... {% ifequal
object.id selections.groupA %} checked {% endifequal %}  />
{% endfor %}

workshops = [a queryset]
selections = [a different queryset]

return render_to_response('workshops/form.html',
               'selections': selections,
                'workshops': workshops,

I can't seem to get the value of selections.groupA while inside the
for loop; I can get it just fine anywhere else in the template.

I may be barking up the wrong tree; I've scoured the Internet and the
documentation to no avail.

I would appreciate it if someone can point out what I'm missing and/or
suggest an alternative.


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