I kind of worked out a way, it seems highly flimsy but it's working.

        paging = str(paging)
        paging = paging.split("-")
        page_from = paging[0]
        page_to = paging[1]

        items = CollectionItem.objects.filter(collection=collection)
        items_paged = CollectionItem.objects.filter

        paging_links = []
        counter = 0
        counter_end = 50
        selected = False

        while counter < len(items):
                if counter_end > items.count():
                        counter_end = items.count()

                print counter
                print page_from

                if int(counter) == int(page_from):
                        selected = True
                        selected = False

                paging_links.append({'start': counter, 'end': counter_end,
'selected': selected})
                counter += 50
                counter_end += counter_end

On Oct 11, 8:18 pm, Sam Lai <samuel....@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2009/10/11 The Danny Bos <danny...@gmail.com>:
> > I had a read of that, is good but seems overly basic for what I'm
> > trying to achieve.
> > Basically a list of links like so on the Template:
> > Link: Cards 0-50
> > Link: Cards 51-100
> > Link: Cards 101-132
> > Know what I mean?
> > My biggest question being, how can I create that above list with the
> > data I have, basically the record count "132".
> Looking through that linked doc, I'd say you can use the
> page.start_index() and page.end_index() properties to give you that
> result for each page.
> I haven't used this before, and right now I can't really work out how
> to loop through all the pages to print that information out in the
> templates, but I'd say I'm just missing something obvious.
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