
Thanks.  You're awesome.


On Sep 2, 8:52 pm, Karen Tracey <kmtra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 7:53 AM, Ozymandias <kairoscreat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Karen,
> > Thank you.  I will give that a shot a little later this afternoon.
> > The MEDIA_ROOT change really does break the sites CSS though.  Not
> > sure why.
> > Was I doing the changes correctly if I were going to be hosting this
> > on an actual server?  I'd need to change the MEDIA_ROOT in order to
> > get that to work, right?
> No, serving the admin media files has no dependence on MEDIA_ROOT.
> ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX, yes, MEDIA_ROOT, no.  Thus my surprise at your saying
> changing MEDIA_ROOT affects serving admin media files.  I don't understand
> how that can be.
> Admin media files are static files, and Django isn't (generally) used to
> serve static files.  The development server automagically serves the admin
> media files (keying off the value of ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX) from the source
> tree for Django, unless you tell it otherwise.  For real deployment, you
> would set up your real web server to serve the files that match the
> ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX from wherever you have (or place) the admin media files.
> The mod_python doc mentions this:
> http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/howto/deployment/modpython/#id3
> The mod_wsgi doc doesn't mention serving the admin media files specifically
> but does mention how to set things up for serving static files in general.
> (I anticipate the next question is what MEDIA_ROOT is needed for at all if
> Django doesn't serve static files.  It's used as a base directory for where
> to place uploaded files:
> http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/models/fields/#django.db.mod...
> I anticipate the next question being why the name MEDIA_ROOT...that I have
> no idea of the answer to.)
> Karen
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