On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 4:18 PM, Ozymandias <kairoscreat...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Greetings,
> I admit to being very confused at the moment.  I'm simply wanting to
> change the style sheets on the Admin Site.  I'm mostly just wanting to
> change the color scheme.  Nothing terribly complicated.  I'm using
> Django 1.1 running in the Development Server on a Linux Mint machine.

The development server has a built-in server for admin media.  It does not
use the MEDIA_ROOT setting but rather serves the admin media from the
directory where the source is located (thus I don't understand your
statement below that changing MEDIA_ROOT breaks your admin media...that
shouldn't be).  If you want to get the admin media served from some other
location when using the development server, use the --adminmedia option:



> Here's what I currently have.
> Directory Structure.
> /sales_tracking  - The root directory for the project.
> /sales_tracking/media/admin/css - The directory that I've copied the
> "base.css" and "dashboard.css" files into.
> /sales_tracking/templates/admin - The directory that I've copied the
> "base.html" and "base-site.html" into.
> Changes to settings.py
> MEDIA_ROOT = '/home/andrew/Projects/Holland Sales Tracking/
> sales_tracking/media/'
> ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX = '/media/admin/'
> When I view the source of my Admin page I get the following style
> sheet tags.
> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/media/admin/css/
> base.css" />
> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/media/admin/css/
> dashboard.css" />
> All of this looks right to me but no changes I make to the CSS files
> actual propagate out to the page.  If I change MEDIA_ROOT to leave off
> the initial "/" all the styles go away.  I'm missing something here
> but I don't know what.  Could someone please explain what is going on
> in the background that I'm not understanding?  I'd really appreciate
> it.  This doesn't seem like it should be a big, hairy deal but it is
> sure kicking my butt up between my ears.
> Thanks,
> Andrew

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