I fear your only option is to write a recursive function which you
feed with what you define to be "the end of the chain".
You can collect all the entries in a mutable list. Some example,
untested, code:

def get_all_parents(list_, current):
    for entry in current.following_to.all():
        list_.extend(get_all_parents(list_, entry)
    return list_

current = A
parents = []
get_all_parents(parents, current)
print parents

Excuse me if I didn't get it right but it should get you started.

On Aug 25, 10:11 am, Sven Richter <sver...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> i implemented a many-to-many field in my model like:
> class Entries(models.Model):
>   following_to = models.ManyToManyField('self', blank=True, null=True)
> Now i can get all related Entries in a template with entry.following_to.all.
> But i want to go deeper in relationships.
> Lets say i have 4 Entries A, B, C, D.
> A is following_to to B and
> B is following_to to C and
> C is following_to to D.
> A.following_to.all gives back B.
> But what i need is to follow until the end of the chain is reached.
> I need something like:
> A.following_to.give_all_related_entries which then returns:
> B, C, D
> Do i have to write my own template tag for that or is it already implemented
> in Django?
> Or maybe there is a better approach to solve my issue?
> I couldnt find a similar question or answer in the docs.
> Greetings
> Sven
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