On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 8:36 AM, The Danny Bos<danny...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Any ideas on this one guys?
> I gave up on it last night.
> I feel way off ...

Ok - some back tracking.

Your first approach (no forms) should have worked. The reason you
didn't get any errors is that your code is explicitly ignoring _all
errors_. You are catching all exceptions, passing, and moving on. That
means that if an error - ANY minor error - is thrown in your 'form
processing' code, then it will be silently ignored.

Step 1 - Make it be not silent. Instead of using:


try using

except Exception, e:
    print 'ERROR!!', e

And see what it says. You will probably find that it's something
really simple, like a typo in a variable name somewhere. Fix those
issues, and you should find things start to work- the general approach
you describe should be fine.

Your second attempt, using forms, can be made to work in a number of ways.

1) Save the values back from the form.

record_rating.rating = form.cleaned_data['rating']
record_rating.record_id = form.cleaned_data['record']
record_rating.writer_id = form.cleaned_data['writer']

I would also note that your form probably won't have values for record
and writer - because they are hidden inputs and you're not providing
initial values. Look into the `initial` argument to fields, or to the
form as a whole.

2) Don't put the values on the form in the first place. After all -
they're hidden inputs.

class RatingForm(forms.Form):
       rating = forms.ChoiceField(choices=RATING_CHOICES)
record_rating.rating = form.cleaned_data['rating']
record_rating.record = Record.objects.get(....)
record_rating.writer = Writer.objects.get(....)

3) Look at using a ModelForm. This will handle the saving of the
entire Rating object; however, given that you seem to want to use
hidden inputs, you will need to jump through some extra hoops to
override the default widgets. Overriding widgets is covered in the

Russ Magee %-)

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