
2009/7/2 François Verbeek <franc...@verbeek.name>:
> Mmm to make the problem easier to deal with I wrote a very very small
> app with just 1 view and a very basic template :
> from django.http import HttpResponse
> from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
> from django.shortcuts import render_to_response,get_object_or_404
> def display_a_string_through_template(request,**kwargs):
>      data=kwargs.get("argument","nothing")
>      string=_("Hi, there %(wee)s" % {'wee':data})

This should be _("Hi, there %(wee)s") % {'wee': data}

Note the placement of parentheses. gettext recognizes only the string
"Hi, there %(wee)s" before interpolation, and not anymore when the
content of 'wee' has been filled in.


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