
         I have written a small javascript ajax code in my django
application. Its working fine in the development environment. But when
i use the same code in the same django application running on apache
and also on  a different url(if it matters), it is not working. I have
tried using Firebug debugger. It is showing UnboundLocalError at /

It says local variable 'state' referenced before assignment

in urls.py

I have a funtion ajax_districts defined in my view identity.py
def ajax_districts(request):
        from django.utils import simplejson
        import logging
        logging.error("Came here")
        districts = {}
        districts[0] = "Nizamabad"
        json = simplejson.dumps(districts)
        return HttpResponse(json, mimetype="application/json")

in template:

<script type="text/javascript">

function getdistricts(state){
        $.post("/identity/ajax_districts/", {"state":state},
                }, "json");

//              alert($("#id_state").val());
//              getdistricts($("#id_state").val());


//              alert($("#id_district").val());


Here id_state is the id of a select box

Can someone help me in this regard.

I hope i made myself clear. Do reply if i havent made myself clear.
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