Hi Graham

the issue is still here even after mod_python is removed. I still
register multiple calls of my view function for a single HTTP-request
(proved via Django log file). For example, 25 calls per HTTP request

And you can't believe, as always -- "I did nothing special!" (c)

No one got the same?


On May 15, 1:55 am, Graham Dumpleton <graham.dumple...@gmail.com>
> On May 14, 11:08 pm, Valery <khame...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > By the way, regarding the 30 func calls per HTTP request you'd mean
> > it is a bare conflict WSGI vs mod_python?
> That is likely to be a Django issue, you will have to explain that one
> better and maybe someone else can help.
> Graham
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