Hi Graham,

many thanks for your quick and very helpful reply!

> You need to ascertain whether they were Apache parent process, Apache
> server child worker processes, or mod_wsgi daemon mode processes.

OK i'd check next time, i've seen your hint on how to do it, thanks!

> > a. both issues appeared after I've switsched to WSGI dipatching model.
> Did you disable mod_python out of Apache when you switched. Loading
> both at same time is not recommended as can cause some problems.

mod_python is indeed *not* disabled because of other project running
the same server in mod_python. OK, great, I see, am going to change

> > b. I use wsgi-based dispatching for apache prefork (unfortunatelly I am
> > restricted for prefork currently) as descreibed here right in the beginning
> > of the document:http://pinaxproject.com/docs/dev/deployment.html
> Be aware of the dangers of prefork. Read:
>  http://blog.dscpl.com.au/2009/03/load-spikes-and-excessive-memory-usa...

Oh, interesting, I keep on reading it to the end after end of my

> Why are you restricted to using prefork? Also, that documentation says
> to use daemon mode which makes the MPM irrelevant, because if you
> configure it properly the application runs in separate process like in
> fastcgi.

I am restricted to prefork because of a small PHP-contact form
currently used in other application running on the same server.
If there would be a slim way to kick it away, it would be nice.
However I see it as an overkill to create a Django project just to
implement a short contact form within a static web-site...

> What the documentation doesn't explain is to use the option:
> [...]
> http://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/wiki/ConfigurationDirectives#WSGIDae...

great, it helps a lot, thanks!

> > c. Also, to restart my app I sometime use "touch my-dispatcher.wsgi" as it
> > was mentioned somewhere in django docs.
> Perhaps also read mod_wsgi documentation on source code reloading to
> find out what that is doing:
>  http://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/wiki/ReloadingSourceCode

hm, I am curious what I am doing wrong, gotta read it.

> You need to identify what role the process was doing. The display-name
> option can help with that. Also set LogLevel to at least 'info' as
> explained in:
>  http://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/wiki/DebuggingTechniques
> Then you need to work out what the process is perhaps hanging on.

OK, I'll do.

By the way, regarding the 30 func calls per HTTP request you'd mean
it is a bare conflict WSGI vs mod_python?

Kind regards
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