I don really understand the raw_id_admin issue. I have read the api but it
is still not clear.

You meant  I could improve the behaviour by adding this paramter?

forma_parte_de = models.ForeignKey('Plantilla_
> bloque',related_name='dentro_de',blank=True,null=True, raw_ide_admin=true)

And making the same method call to changemanipulator?

should I synchronize the database?

Sent from Madrid, Spain

On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 5:36 PM, Karen Tracey <kmtra...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 11:17 AM, Miguel <migue...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> where should I put "raw_id_admin=True" ?  in the foreing key declaration?
>> forma_parte_de =
>> models.ForeignKey('Plantilla_bloque',related_name='dentro_de',blank=True,null=True)
>> and what implications does it have?
> Sorry, I meant to include a pointer to the doc:
> http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/0.96/model-api/
> search on that page for raw_id_admin.  You can just put it after your
> null=True, though as it is a keyword argument anyplace after the one
> positional arg you have would be fine.  The implication will be when you
> edit an object of this type in admin (or assuming I'm correct that it
> affects the ChangeManipulator in general, anywhere you edit using a
> ChangeManipulator), instead of getting a select drop-down listing all the
> possible choices for a value, you will have a simple text input where you
> specify the related object's primary key.  In recent Django releases there's
> a magnifying-glass icon on the field to assist in finding the right  related
> object -- clicking that brings up a list to select from, but I can't say for
> sure if the magnifying glass existed in 0.96 (I'm assuming that's what you
> are running since you are still using ChangeManipulator).
> (Also -- I assume updating the app code to a 1.0 level is a possibility
> you've evaluated and decided not to do at least for now?  I can't say it
> would necessarily immediately improve your performance issue, but you'd have
> a much wider ranger of people who might answer questions.  My sense is
> knowledge of pre-1.0 APIs is getting a little scarce on this list.)
> Karen
> >

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