where should I put "raw_id_admin=True" ?  in the foreing key declaration?

forma_parte_de =

and what implications does it have?

thank you

Sent from Madrid, Spain

On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 4:21 PM, Karen Tracey <kmtra...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 9:52 AM, Miguel <migue...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> hi,
>> I have found an optimizing problem. I have a model which i would like to
>> edit, when I call my method  I do something like this:
>> def method_modify(request, method_id):
>>     try:
>>        manipulator = Pattern_method.ChangeManipulator(method_id)
>>     except  Pattern_method.DoesNotExist:
>>         raise Http404
>> The problem I have found is that the ChangeManipulator takes me 15 seconds
>> ... And this time is too much for a web applications.
>> Is there any way to avoid this?
>> Thank you in advance.
> Without any details of your Pattern_method model it's a little hard to
> say.  My first guess would be it has at least one ForeignKey to a huge table
> and the time is taken up generating the drop-down list(s) for the Select
> box(es) in the change manipulator.  To fix that you could specify
> raw_id_admin=True on the ForeignKey field(s).  The name there implies it's
> admin-specific but I think it was used by the basic ChangeManipulator,
> though my knowledge of manipulators is close to zero so I could be wrong
> about that.
> Karen
> >

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