Regarding whether to dpaste or not: Ideally, there is a happy medium were
the bulk of a problem is described in email and dpaste (or simliar) is used
for full specifics of the code, if necessary, to get help.  Usually when the
line (or section) of code that is causing the problem is identified, it is
quoted in the email citing it, making the problem and its solution
understandable even in the absence of the supporting dpaste material.

Please do continue to use dpaste for huge swaths of code that are going to
render poorly in email.  The fix to the resulting problem of the post itself
being largely unintelligible in the absence of the dpaste material is to add
text and code snippets to the email, describing the problem.  The answer is
NOT to move the full code back to the post, where it is just going to make
people's eyes bleed and discourage many from even attempting to help because
they cannot makes heads or tails of what is on the screen.


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