Hello Karen,

Here are my views and models:



The manytomany table is actually a tertiary table.  I was just trying
to use django terms, so people would understand what type of table.

Thanks for your help!


On Feb 18, 11:33 am, Karen Tracey <kmtra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 1:43 PM, May <adles...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I need to get the institution name through an intermediary table (two
> > foreign keys) to display in a template.
> > The code is here:
> >http://dpaste.com/122204/
> > Thank you anyone,
> (Your subject line says manytomany but I don't see any evidence of
> ManyToMany relations in the page you point to, there you just mention
> ForeignKeys?)
> Your view passes in a results variable to your template where you have:
> {% for project in results %}
> {{Project.contact|safe}}
> {{Contact.institutionname|safe}} # the institutionname (isn't retrieving)...
> {% endfor %}
> First, I don't see how the {{Project..}} bit can be working since you've got
> a case mismatch on the leading 'p' between {% for project ... %} and {{
> Project...}}
> Second, {{ Contact...}} won't be resolving to anything because you don't
> have any variable named Contact.  Perhaps you want:
> {{ project.contact.institution }}
> or
> {{ project.contact.institution.institutionname }}
> it's a little hard to tell because you didn't actually include your model
> definitions.  If it's just following foreign keys to get to the field you
> want, though, it's quite easy to do using the dot notation if you know the
> right field names.
> Karen
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