Using str(pickle.dumps()) and the pickle.loads(str()) works perfectly.

The reason I use a dict instead of a list is because I can add an
entry that does not come in numeric order (with a list you cannot add
an item to it simply by list[32] if the list is not that long).

I used a dict because it is very fast to run if rating['froob'] == 1.
Also it simplifies the database models.

On Jan 15, 1:00 pm, Torsten Bronger <>
> Hallöchen!
> teth writes:
> > [...]
> > When I try and load the pickled string from thedatabaseit gives me
> > the following error:
> > KeyError at /article/testing123/up/
> > '\x00'
> I do the same thing, and I remember that I was forced to write
> "pickle.loads(str(database_text))" (note the str()).  However, I
> don't remember the exception I was confronted with.
> Tschö,
> Torsten.
> --
> Torsten Bronger, aquisgrana, europa vetus
>                    Jabber ID:
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