I would not use a dict like that, just uses more memory, I would
create a ArticleVote models, something like


I also show how I would use it in the views

Dj Gilcrease
OpenRPG Developer

On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 9:17 AM, teth <godsinven...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello, I pickled a dictionary and stored it in my database like this:
> article.rating = article.rating + 1
> ratings[request.user.username] = 1
> article.rating_list = pickle.dumps(ratings)
> article.save()
> ratings looks like this:
> {'froob': 1, 'alik': 1, 'teth': 1}
> When I try and load the pickled string from the database it gives me
> the following error:
> KeyError at /article/testing123/up/
> '\x00'
> article/testing123 loads the article testing123 from the database and
> the /up/ is to improve the rating of it. The dictionary is to prevent
> users from rating the same article twice by putting their username as
> an index in a dictionary. What am I doing wrong? (The pickled string
> is stored in a TEXT field)
> >

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