(ROSS) you say  256 RAM but I'm curious if you are
running Ubuntu server or some other distro?

Is 256 RAM sufficient for Ubuntu or should
one allow for more headroom?

I'm leaning towards the Slicehost or Lincode type solution.
Because in the past with frameworks and platforms we have
learned the hard way you need to be ready to move and move
fast whenever your hosting service (for whatever reason)
changes the rules of the game,  or you hit a limitation.
Being able to rachet up the memory to the next level can
save a lot of headaches, and sometimes can prove an
instant cure, to problems that would otherwise require
re-coding or re-configuration.

Also it seems an easy matter these days to take a second
hand HD off the stack and mock up a production server
on an old machine then to duplicate that on something
like Slicehost or Linode . Ubuntu server seems the best
candidate for this.

I'm reluctant to work with djangohosting.ch and
the entry Webfaction plans because we have had
problems with how subleased space works with
virtual hosting.

For instance

  may not equal

  mysite.com and/or the sites IP number
  may not take you to the site.

This gets important when you are setting up rollover scenarios, using
3rd party monitoring/dns services... at least that is where we have
snags, but I can imagine there other issues.

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