On Mon, 2008-09-15 at 21:43 -0700, catsclaw wrote:
> On Sep 15, 11:05 pm, Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Can you paste the urls.py from your project as well as the one from
> > the app you are having problems with?
>    I removed all the includes in case that was causing the error; all
> my urls are defined in the main urls.py.  Here's all the urls I've got
> defined:
> urlpatterns = patterns('',
>     url(r'^myapp/svn/(?P<svn_name>.+)/display/$',
> 'myapp.views.display', {'svn_path': '/'}, name='myapp-svn-root'),
>     url(r'^myapp/logout/$', 'myapp.users.logout', name='myapp-
> logout'),
>     url(r'^myapp/login/$', 'myapp.users.login', name='myapp-login'),
>     url(r'^svn/$', 'myapp.home.display'),
> )
> ... Note that if I delete all the urls *except* for the myapp-login
> one, I get an entirely different error:
> ViewDoesNotExist at /myapp/login/
> Tried login in module myapp.users. Error was: 'module' object has no
> attribute 'login'.
> ... But that's an entirely different issue.  I assume, anyway.

No, it's not an entirely different issue. It's just a case of one error
inadvertently hiding another one. Your URLConf *must* be completely
valid for reversing to work, since all of the patterns are processed
before any reversing is applied (there's a pre-processing caching step).

If you are referring to an invalid view in your URLConf, you must fix
that before proceeding (commenting out the line would be a reasonable


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