On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 2:23 PM, nib <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> OK, I put ROOT_URLCONF = {{ project_name }}.urls back in the c:
> \python25\Lib\site-packages\django\conf\project_template\settings.py
> file.

Er...this is the settings file you've been editing?  This one is not
intended to be edited, you should edit the one created by djang-admin.py

I then create a new package - jrl.

How and where did you create a new package?  You should have some completely
independent directory tree where you are going to put your code, like
c:\django_projects.  Not intermingled with stuff in c:\python25 or
c:\django.  Then, from a command prompt where you are in c:\django_projects:

django-admin.py startproject jrl

will create a subdirectory jrl of c:\django_projects and populate it with
files including settings.py, manage.py, etc.  That's the settings.py you
want to be editing.

I then tried to access the admin site and I got a DATABASE_ENGINE not
> set error.
> I set the DATABASE_ENGINE to 'SQLite3' and then I ran the 'python
> manage.py syncdb' command with no success.  I had to move the SQLite3
> files from c:\django\db\backends to C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages
> \django\db\backends.  I then re-ran the 'python manage.py syncdb'
> command and now I can access the Admin page.

The fact that you had some django code under
c:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\django but not all of it is puzzling and
indicates a problem with your installation.  You should not have had to do
any manual moving like that, and I'd be a little concerned there was other
stuff missing.  How, exactly, did you originally get the django code into
site-packages?  If you used setup.py I hope you are using a fairly recent
SVN checkout of Django because there were some problems with that script on
Windows, but I think they were all fixed a few months ago (and the problems
never manifested as missing code bits, so actually I'm very confused how you
system got into this state even if you are using an old release).


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