My $0.02:

jquery is the way to go.  The interface is very simple and clean, it
is very simple to extend, the ui is limited but getting better and
there are a lot of third party plugins for it from a very active and
helpful community.

A real bonus is the dom manipulation.  Sooner or later we all need to
hammer on the dom.  jquery's xpathy css on steroids approach of
specifying elements makes it a joy when you need to get into the dom!
(Yeah, I know, hard to believe, but I'm sticking with joy).  Nothing
slices and dices the dom and delivers up just the elements you need to
work on, with as much ease and power as jquery.

And if you really need to, jquery is very graceful about stepping out
of the way and playing well with other js libs.  As it is small and
fast, even if you are using another framework, you can still benefit
hugely by incorporating jquery.  You won't be wasting your time
putting this tool in your arsenal.

Like mochikit, jquery seems to be a js lib a python enthusiast can use
without feeling dirty.

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