D'oh! Sorry.  I hate those kind of replies! (At least I also contributed 
answering the asked questions in another post...)


Tim Chase wrote:
>> You could try not serving a different page at all: CSS can 
>> apply a different stylesheet when printing than when on the
>> screen. See http://www.alistapart.com/stories/goingtoprint/
>> for an introduction.
> While I agree with Ned that CSS is an excellent if not the
> best way to go...The OP (Mordy) wrote
>>>> Please don't suggest CSS, I know about it and it's not
>>>> really an option for me.
> :)
> Another option I've used is to put the content-form in the
> extension.  I can then serve the resource
> http://example.com/foo
> as
> HTML -> http://example.com/foo.html
> JSON -> http://example.com/foo.json
> XML -> http://example.com/foo.xml
> CSV -> http://example.com/foo.csv
> tab-delimited -> http://example.com/foo.tab
> plain-text -> http://example.com/foo.txt
> PDF -> http://example.com/foo.pdf
> SVG -> http://example.com/foo.svg
> (I usually only implement HTML and a serialized format such
> as JSON/XML/tab-delimited but the above shows the
> flexibility of the scheme)
> If the URI is a collection, then one can have /foos.<ext>
> for represenations of the collection in <ext> format and
> then use /foos/my-foo-slug.<ext> for the contained
> resources in their own flavor of format.
> In the OP's case, printable versions can be URL'd as
> http://example.com/foo.prn or
> http://example.com/foo.prn.html or what have you.  Or maybe
> use .xhtml for XHTML content, and .htm for a pre-CSS version
> that would render nicely on printers and handhelds.  One
> could even use an extension like .mobi or .wap for those
> content types.
> -tim
> >

Ned Batchelder, http://nedbatchelder.com

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