You could try not serving a different page at all: CSS can apply a 
different stylesheet when printing than when on the screen.  See for an introduction.


Alex Koshelev wrote:
> The second variant with GET query is the best. One resouce has one uri
> but with query you specify it's display properties.
> On 3 янв, 01:52, Mordy Ovits <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I really like Django's policy of readable URLs and one authoritative
>> page.  My question is how do I do printable versions of those nice
>> and authoritative urls?
>> Say I have this:
>> I can think of two general 
>> ways:
>> Each has issues.  The first one needs a robots.txt fix to prevent the
>> print versioned from being spidered, but at least it can be done.
>> The second one is not amenable to a robots.txt fix.  The second one
>> is also "ugly" in my subjective django-influenced opinion.
>> So what do you folks suggest for printable versions of article pages?
>> Please don't suggest CSS, I know about it and it's not really an
>> option for me.
>> Thanks,
>> Mordy
> >

Ned Batchelder,

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