> Hi everyone,
> Its almost the new year here, so Happy new year!
> Let me just say a big thanks to every one on the django-users list,
> who helped me with most of my questions, many of them inane. In
> particular James Bennet and Malcolm Tredinnick were very helpul.
> Django wont be as much fun without the great community.
> Ah and let me plug the shiny new blogging app I wrote Blogango. Code
> is available at http://code.google.com/p/blogango/source and is under
> GPLv2. I have done a test install at http://test.blogango.com , you
> can ogin as demo/demo. Take it for a test ride and let me know what
> you think of it. Sugestions very welcome, I plan to work on it over
> this month.
> A few thoughts I had while developing this,
> 1. Should not each app must have a settings.py, instead of/apart from
> a per project settings.py? For example IMHO templates should be
> present under each app directory. If we had a per app settings.py we
> can put this in settings.py.

Templates can exist under each application provided you have the
TEMPLATE_LOADER in your settings.py, which is the default.

> 2. I remember there was a huge discussion about changing
> ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX on django-dev list. I have been bitten by this
> behaviour each time I start a new project. Once you have a lot of
> familairity with django, this wont make a difference, but people just
> starting out, will be bitten.

Yes, I agree.

By the way, I suggest you map your admin media appropriately otherwise
things don't look right and will be a distraction to people that may
be interested in your software.

Keep up the good work.

Michael Trier

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