I run this script and still get the errors. I think the problem is
elsewhere but how know?

import codecs
import os

DIR = r"F:\Proyectos\Python\jhonWeb\shared\core\templates\core"


def write(file,text):
    # Open a UTF-8 file in read mode
    infile = codecs.open(file, "w", "utf-8")
    # Close the file.

def read(file):
    # Open a UTF-8 file in read mode
    infile = codecs.open(file, "r", "utf-8")
    # Read its contents as one large Unicode string.
    text = infile.read()
    # Close the file.

    return text

for file in arc:
    if file<>'.svn':
        file = '%s\\%s' % (DIR,file)
        print "convirtiendo a %s" % file

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