> What's the type and value of "request.content"?  What's the type and
> value of "text" ?

self.response=<django.http.HttpResponse object at 0x032A21D0>

Doing a self.response.__dict__ I see this relevant values:
'content-type': ('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8')}
 'CONTENT_TYPE': 'text/html; charset=utf-8',
 'SERVER_PROTOCOL': 'HTTP/1.1'}>}]]], '_is_string': True, '_charset':
'utf-8', 'request':
 {'CONTENT_LENGTH': None, ...
  'CONTENT_TYPE': 'text/html; charset=utf-8'}, 'client':
<django.test.client.Client instance at 0x03286B48>,
  'template': [<django.template.Template object at 0x032A20F0>,
   <django.template.Template object at 0x032A21F0>,
<django.template.Template object at 0x032ABE10>,
<django.template.Template object at 0x032AB070>],
    '_container': [u'\n<!DOCTYPE html PUBLI.........']}

(why is utf8????)

> Err, your comment seems to suggest you're just switching the CHARSET
> parameter as a guess.  The files really *are* in some specific
> charset, and the setting needs to agree.  :-/

I click in file properties in komodo and tell me that my files are in
utf8. However 2 o 3 (one are part in the response) stick to CP-1252,
no matter what I do...

> ...And what rev were you at before 6601?

Kick me, but I not take note on that :(. I'm sure was after the
unicode branch merge and before changeset 5152 because my test break
for the new "next" setting.

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