Hi,I've been playing with the apache auth from djangosnippets [0] and I've had it working, but it now seems to be erroring a lot with the following error:
Mod_python error: "PythonAccessHandler historymagazine.modpython" Traceback (most recent call last):File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/apache.py", line 287, in HandlerDispatch
log=debug)File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/apache.py", line 464, in import_module
module = imp.load_module(mname, f, p, d) File "/var/www/django/historymagazine/modpython.py", line 2, in ? from django.core.handlers.base import BaseHandler ImportError: No module named django.core.handlers.base Anyone have any ideas why this might be happening? Thanks, David [0 - http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/62/] -- David Reynolds [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature