I haven't seen this error myself yet, but you could try to use the patch
SmileyChris was so nice as to improve my initial patch, and possibly
this will sooner or later even make it into trunk.


David Reynolds wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been playing with the apache auth from djangosnippets [0] and
> I've had it working, but it now seems to be erroring a lot with the
> following error:
> Mod_python error: "PythonAccessHandler historymagazine.modpython"
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/apache.py", line
> 287, in HandlerDispatch
>     log=debug)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/apache.py", line
> 464, in import_module
>     module = imp.load_module(mname, f, p, d)
>   File "/var/www/django/historymagazine/modpython.py", line 2, in ?
>     from django.core.handlers.base import BaseHandler
> ImportError: No module named django.core.handlers.base
> Anyone have any ideas why this might be happening?
> Thanks,
> David
> [0 - http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/62/]
> --David Reynolds

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