On Thu, 2007-03-22 at 10:17 +0000, Tom Smith wrote:
> On 22 Mar 2007, at 06:57, Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > On Wed, 2007-03-21 at 23:36 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > > Hmm... if we do it, this feels like something that should be
> > > > kept
> > > > separate from the standard manage.py;
> > > > 
> I don't mind "where" this functionality "lives"... and really don't
> want it to become complicated because then people who don't understand
> the guts of Django won't be able to use it... 
> Even putting examples in the comments would help me...
> > The reasoning is that whilst it's not impossible to add this type of
> > functionality, now we suddenly have a few dozen or a hundred more
> > lines
> > of code that need to be maintained for something that isn't really
> > core
> > functionality.
> You can't argue, can you, that something shouldn't be included because
> it requires a few lines of code?

Certainly I can argue this way and I am. Every line of code that is
added to core needs to be maintained ad infinitum and so should be
considered carefully. I run through the same argument -- usually just in
my head -- every time additions are proposed. In this case, my feeling
is that adding this extra functionality to management.py -- the core
management routines in Django -- is not the right place.

>  As for defining what "core" functionality is... for me, usability is
> a core functionality... being teachable is core... and for a few lines
> of code, being helpful/intelligent is at very least good marketing :-)
> It makes for a great demo...

Again, I'm not arguing against the tool itself, although not having it
does not mean we don't have usability, teachability or marketing
possibilities; let's keep things in perspective. It's a good idea. But I
don't think it should be part of management.py.

What you have proposed is definitely going to be useful in some cases,
for exactly the reasons you mention. It would be a great tool to have
for people starting out. It becomes less useful as you get more
experienced, because there is no "one size fits all" approach to
application layout. This sets it aside from the other code in
management.py, which is always stuff you need to use.

Another argument for making this a separate application is that, from a
usability perspective, when somebody is in the situation where they need
an aid like this, is it better to say "run this program and give it the
right argument from amongst 15 different choices (so the help screen is
pretty imposing)" or "run this other program over here, no args
required"? The latter is less error-prone, the former would be the case
if this was added as an option accessible django-admin.py.

If somebody were to write this app, I think we should consider including
it in django/extras/.


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