* mercoledì 07 febbraio 2007, alle 11:27, Russell Keith-Magee wrote :
> > but the data are added also when I update the Previsione ...
> > searching on group archive, I think I must implement a 'save' method
> > into the Previsione class ... is correct ?
> I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to do here. The save()
> method on an instance doesn't affect the m2m relations. However, there
> are other mechanisms, such as saving a web form, that will modify m2m
> forms.
what do you mean with "saving a web form" ?? saving the form and NOT
the save method on instance ?? 

I use :
        myform = nf.models.form_for_model(Previsione)(req.POST)

        if myform.is_valid():
                dati = myform.save(commit=False)

to change eventually the 'id' value for the insert/update

        if varid is not None:

> How are you updating the Previsione instances? Using a web form?
> Programmatically? Some other way?

I create a web form to insert/update the Previsione data ... my urls.py:

urlpatterns = patterns('modulistica.savona.views',
        (r'^index/$', 'index'),
        (r'^Previsione/$', 'previsione'),
        (r'^Previsione/(?P<varid>\d+)/$', 'previsione'),

when I get the 'Previsione/' URL I go to insert the data ... when I get
the 'Previsione/10/' URL I go to update the data of the Previsione(pk=10).

the previsione function :

def previsione(req, varid=None):
        if req.method == 'POST':
                myform = nf.models.form_for_model(Previsione)(req.POST)

                if myform.is_valid():
                        dati = myform.save(commit=False)

                        salva_rims = True
                        list_rims = req.POST.getlist('rims')

                        if varid is not None:
                                clean_path = req.path

                        # controlla se ci sono stati cambiamenti
                        # nel campo m2m

                        if old_rims == new_rims:
                                salva_rims = False


                        if salva_rims == True:
                                dati.rims = list_rims

                        return HttpResponseRedirect(clean_path)
                # method GET
                if varid is None:
                        myform = nf.models.form_for_model(Previsione)()
                        instance = get_object_or_404(Previsione, pk=varid)
                        myform = nf.models.form_for_instance(instance)()

        return render_to_response('create_form.html', \
                { 'titolo': 'Archivio Previsioni',
                'form': myform.as_table() })

tanks for the help ;-))) and sorry for my english !!

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void){char c[]={10,65,110,116,111,110,105,111,32,98,97,114,98,111,110,
116,46,105,116,62,10,10,0};printf("%s",c);return 0;}

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