On 2/7/07, Antonio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> * mercoledì 07 febbraio 2007, alle 11:27, Russell Keith-Magee wrote :
> > > but the data are added also when I update the Previsione ...
> > > searching on group archive, I think I must implement a 'save' method
> > > into the Previsione class ... is correct ?
> >
> > I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to do here. The save()
> > method on an instance doesn't affect the m2m relations. However, there
> > are other mechanisms, such as saving a web form, that will modify m2m
> > forms.
> what do you mean with "saving a web form" ?? saving the form and NOT
> the save method on instance ??
> I use :
> ***
>         myform = nf.models.form_for_model(Previsione)(req.POST)
>         if myform.is_valid():
>                 dati = myform.save(commit=False)
> ***

Ok - this is saving a form created from a model. Since your model
contains a m2m field, the form representing that model will have an
m2m widget, and when you save() the form, the m2m relation on the
object will be modified.

However, if you had an instance of Previsione, and saved it, the m2m
fields would not be affected:

obj = Previsione(...# some initial data #...)
obj.save() # Does not modify m2m data

What was confusing me was that it sounded like you wanted to override
save() on Previsione (the model), rather than overriding save() on the
Previsione form. The former idea won't help; the latter idea will.

What you describe in your example looks to be correct - rather than
using the save() method on the form for Previsione, you are manually
saving the object modified by the form, which allows you to be
specific about saving m2m relations, etc.

If you were really fancy, you could wrap that logic into a save method
on a custom form; this would make your view a little cleaner, but
wouldn't affect the way the view operates.

Russ Magee %-)

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