from rest_framework import routers, serializers, viewsets
import base64
from .models import upload
import zipfile
import os 

class Base64ImageField(serializers.ImageField):
    A Django REST framework field for handling image-uploads through raw post 
    It uses base64 for encoding and decoding the contents of the file.

    Heavily based on

    Updated for Django REST framework 3.

    def to_internal_value(self, data):
        from django.core.files.base import ContentFile
        import base64
        import six
        import uuid

        # Check if this is a base64 string
        if isinstance(data, six.string_types):
            # Check if the base64 string is in the "data:" format
            if 'data:' in data and ';base64,' in data:
                # Break out the header from the base64 content
                header, data = data.split(';base64,')

            # Try to decode the file. Return validation error if it fails.
                decoded_file = base64.b64decode(data)
            except TypeError:

            # Generate file name:
            file_name = str(uuid.uuid4())[:12] 
# 12 characters are more than enough.
            # Get the file name extension:
            file_extension = self
.get_file_extension(file_name, decoded_file)

            complete_file_name = "%s.%s" % (file_name, file_extension, )

            data = ContentFile(decoded_file, name=complete_file_name)

        return super(Base64ImageField, self).to_internal_value(data)

    def get_file_extension(self, file_name, decoded_file):
        import imghdr

        extension = imghdr.what(file_name, decoded_file)
        extension = "zip" if extension == "jpeg" else extension #<--error 
line---> i am converting Base 64 data into zip file

#examplezip.write(serializers.ImageField,compress_type = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)

        return extension


class uploadSerializers(serializers.ModelSerializer):
       max_length=None, use_url=True,
    #image =  serializers.ImageField(max_length=None,use_url=True)
    class Meta:
        model = upload
        fields = ('id','image','user')
        extra_kwargs = {'user': {'required': False}}

On Thursday, April 30, 2020 at 2:05:25 PM UTC+5:30, yashwanth balanagu 
> {"image":["File extension “zip” is not allowed. Allowed extensions are: 
> bmp, dib, gif, tif, tiff, jfif, jpe, jpg, jpeg, pbm, pgm, ppm, pnm, png, 
> apng, blp, bufr, cur, pcx, dcx, dds, ps, eps, fit, fits, fli, flc, ftc, 
> ftu, gbr, grib, h5, hdf, jp2, j2k, jpc, jpf, jpx, j2c, icns, ico, im, iim, 
> mpg, mpeg, mpo, msp, palm, pcd, pdf, pxr, psd, bw, rgb, rgba, sgi, ras, 
> tga, icb, vda, vst, webp, wmf, emf, xbm, xpm."]}

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