This is a very less information, please share more information, code snippet 
where the attachment conditions are written, etc.


    On Thursday, 30 April, 2020, 02:05:59 pm IST, yashwanth balanagu 
<> wrote:  
 {"image":["File extension “zip” is not allowed. Allowed extensions are: bmp, 
dib, gif, tif, tiff, jfif, jpe, jpg, jpeg, pbm, pgm, ppm, pnm, png, apng, blp, 
bufr, cur, pcx, dcx, dds, ps, eps, fit, fits, fli, flc, ftc, ftu, gbr, grib, 
h5, hdf, jp2, j2k, jpc, jpf, jpx, j2c, icns, ico, im, iim, mpg, mpeg, mpo, msp, 
palm, pcd, pdf, pxr, psd, bw, rgb, rgba, sgi, ras, tga, icb, vda, vst, webp, 
wmf, emf, xbm, xpm."]}

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