Let's say I have:

Calculator #1:
Expression: (True AND False) AND (True OR False)

This expression should be a child of some calculator. 

class Calculator(models.Model):
name = ...

class Expression(models.Model):
parent = models.ForeignKey(Calculator)

boolean = AND or OR

sub_exp1 = models.ForeignKey(Expression)
sub_exp2 = models.ForeignKey(Expression)

When I query all the expressions for the Calculator #1, I should get all 
the subexpressions.

1 AND 2 5
2 AND 3 4
3 leaf node of True 
4 lead node of False
5 OR 6 7
6 leaf node of True
7 leaf node of False

>From this, I can quickly apply my parse tree.

How would I display the base case/leaf nodes in my model? Also, is there a 
better way?

Thanks, I would really appreciate any help

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